Seth Inman
Mr. Cohen
13th January

Scene 4 (rewritten entirely)
Banquo Ghost: (in an eerie tone) Oh Macbeth, you thought I knew too much? and your solution was to kill me… foolish for I was clueless. The only thing you have killed is a soul and a friendship. This action shall not go without consequences…
Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Lennox and co enter The Banqueting hall Gathered around a candle lit, long dinner table
(In a sorrowful tone)
Macbeth: May our thoughts and prayers go out to Banquo on this fine night as he was brutally murdered by a group of thieves... And let this dinner be in honor of his valiant fight.
(Banquo to Macbeth only)
Banquo: (whispers angrily) You traitor!
(Macbeth looks around startled)
Macbeth: t’is a voice of the mind? (in an unsure manner)
Lady Macbeth: (sounding upset) Oh poor Banquo, he was such a good man, a loyal friend.
Banquo: I am no voice of the mind… (in a creepish voice to Macbeth)
(Macbeth looks around startled)
Lennox: Macbeth, does something seem to be bothering you on this blissful evening? (in questioning voice)
Macbeth: I am quite fine thank you, I thought I heard something, that’s all.
Lady Macbeth: Don’t make us look suspicious, it’s the last thing we need right now! (in a stern voice)
(everyone begins to eat)
Enter Murderer #1 from behind the dinner table
Murderer number one: (in a whisper to Macbeth) My lord, Banquo has been slain but Fleance ‘Scaped
Macbeth: (mutters under breath) You’ve got to be kidding me. I need some silence. (in a louder voice) I’ll be back in just a moment everyone.
Exeunt Macbeth to the lavatory and Murderer #1
Macbeth: (in a lavatory) Who are you and what do you want?? (shouting angrily)
No Response… Silence
Macbeth: If you keep messing with me I won’t let you leave in one piece.
More silence
Macbeth: Fine I shall go back to my dinner(stomps out)
Re-enter Macbeth and Banquo’s ghost in his chair
Macbeth: Who has claimed my seat, show yourself.
Ghost of Banquo turns around with guts oozing from his neck
Banquo: Look what you have done Macbeth, my neck slit, my soul murdered.
Macbeth: (screams) who are you demon, haunting thy mind, disturbing my peace.
Ross: Whoever are you talking to your highness, your seat is empty. (in a calm voice)
Lady Macbeth: My kind friends, have no worries, my husband is often disturbed by such things. (grabbing onto Macbeth, in a very concerned voice)
Macbeth: (pushes past Lady Macbeth and rushes ghost of Banquo with a Dagger) Come here you scum!!
Exeunt Ghost of Banquo vanishes
Macbeth: (asideto Banquo out of breath) I may have kil’t you but your soul still haunts me. I feared you knew too much and only did it for the greater good. However, I am now king, you have no power over me, and I rule this land to the day I die...