Who’s making it?
The Submarine Outlaw was originally a book series consisting of 8 independent novels. Binman Studios is planning to turn this book series into a series of 8 cinematic masterpieces. Not just one movie.. all 8! These novels were originally written by the author Philip Roy. Seth Inman has taken the role of director for at least the first movie and plans to assist with the rest. Philip Roy: “I find it amazing that someone has finally decided to turn my book series into a movie!”.
What is the series about?
The main character, Alfred, decides to build a submarine and travel the world, he goes from country to country and meets hundreds of amazing people. The books also have their heart wrenching moments leaving you on the edge of your seat in anticipation. Alfred travels to countries such as India, Japan, Canada and even helps fight whalers in the pacific!
When shooting the series they decided to do all of the scenes with no CGI, that means everything you see is actually happening. They even built a real submarine just for the shoots in the movie!
When can I go see it?
Binman Studios said the first movie (Submarine Outlaw) Is set to release in January 2021, however, there could be some delays so it could take up to 6 months longer. Binman Studios has said they may allow you to purchase at home ‘tickets’ that allow you to access a livestream of the movie, so you can watch Submarine Outlaw from the comfort of your home!