From the moment I entered the city something felt off… The smell was so bad that it would singe the hairs in my nose; The buildings exhaling smoke into the city’s dark and foggy atmosphere. The houses looked like a deer’s carcass after being torn by a predator. Everything I touched seemed to harm me in one way or another: the pavement felt like a knife prickling along the bottom of my foot. All of the streets were sick with litter, homeless people and cigarette butts. Yuck.
In Detroit there are apparently 2,000 violent crimes committed for every 100,000 residents. I must’ve witnessed 20 pickpockets just that day! The median income of a citizen in Detroit is $17,000; that explains all the crime. I tried to go to visit one of the ‘exquisite’ monuments but there was no escape from the putrid, decaying city streets.
I was there in March and it was still -20C outside, I thought the cold would never stop. I don’t think there is a worse city to live in. Not to mention the food: my burrito was oozing a sticky green liquid. The smell was so pungent that it smelt like my grandma’s used socks. After that I was done. I couldn’t take it anymore.