We were gliding down the river in our boats when I saw pale eyes peep from within the forest, there seemed to be a dim grey head incarcerating the eyes. I remember seeing the same pale green eyes while we were in the caves of Moria, and the pitter-patter of feet behind me. I ignored them for the moment and we continued on.
We stopped when we approached the Falls of Rauros. We needed to make an important decision: whether to head towards Minas Tirith or make for Mordor. I decided to take an hour to consider my options.
Whilst I was thinking, Boromir approached me. He was calm at first, discussing that the Ring should not be destroyed, but utilized as a weapon against Sauron. He became madder and started begging me to look at the Ring. I started to notice an orange glow in his eyes as if the Eye of Sauron was shining through him… he was possessed. I ran away from him as fast as my legs could take me.
I was running when I heard the sound of roars and feet from less than 300 feet away, the Uruks had arrived. I could hear the clash of swords between the Fellowship and the Uruks.
Boromir was struck down by the leader of the Uruks; Aragorn was stabbed to death; Gimli and Legolas were impaled by a spear, Merry, Pippin, and Sam were captured.
I was alone… Nobody was left except for me, hiding behind a stump.
I peered out and saw nothing, except for those two pale green eyes, staring straight into my soul. The green eyes belonged to Gollum; he came out from behind the tree and crawled suspiciously towards me.
Gollum was a small hunchback and shrivelled creature, he wasn’t aggressive and didn’t try to attack me but just stood at my side muttering funny words to me.
My plan was to go to Mordor, but now I had Gollum as my companion on my journey. It was just me and him walking south into the sunset, towards Mordor.